The 411

This is my random life. The good, the bad, and the ugly. There is no real purpose other then to share. So glad to have you on board for the ride, got your seat belt on??!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Because you could use a friend...

Welcome to this week's Tuesday Tag-Along blog hop, hosted by Twee Poppets Review and Giveaway! This is a great way to discover new blogs while increasing the number of followers for your own blog. Please feel free to grab the TTA button for your blogroll to help bring more bloggers to this blog hop!

Tuesday Tag-Along

Because they already said it best...

Here's how it works:

Create a new Tuesday Tag-Along blog post. Include the Tuesday Tag-Along button by copying and pasting the code above. (You are also welcome to copy and paste these instructions in their entirety, or any portion of this Tuesday Tag-Along blog post!)

Add your blog name and the URL of your TTA post to the MckLinky below.

Follow Twee Poppets, the hostess blog listed in the first slot. Twee Poppets will follow you back! (Note: If you want Twee Poppets to follow you back, you MUST leave her a comment saying that you are a new follower and leave a link to your blog!)

If you can, please follow the blogs in the three slots before you (e.g., if you're number 20, follow numbers 19, 18, and 17). This is not mandatory, but it will help ensure that everyone who signs up gets a few new followers!

Follow as many other blogs as you want. The more you follow, the more that will follow you back! Be sure to tell them that you're following from Tuesday Tag-Along! You may also want to leave a link to your blog so they can return your follow more easily.

When you get a new follower through Tuesday Tag-Along, be sure to follow them back! It's just common courtesy. :)

The weekly Tuesday Tag-Along MckLinky opens every Monday night at 8:59pm Pacific Standard Time (that's 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time), and the TTA blog post will be posted well in advance of that time. The MckLinky will be open to add your blog until 11:59pm Tuesday night. You then have all week long to visit blogs and return follows!

There is a new list every week. The link you enter one week will not carry over to the next week's MckLinky. Please link up again each week to join in the fun!

Tuesday Tag-Along Blog Hopper of the Week:

Note: To be eligible to be Blog Hopper of the Week, you MUST place the Tuesday Tag-Along button somewhere on the main page of your blog or website (and since I'll be checking for it manually, I must be able to actually find it). If the randomly-drawn winner does not meet this condition, a new winner will be randomly selected. If you do not want to place the TTA button on your site, you are still more than welcome to join in the blog hop, you will just not be eligible to be the Blog Hopper of the Week.

Each week, one blog will be chosen randomly from all the links, and that lucky blog will be placed in the desirable second slot for the following week's MckLinky!

And to make things even more complicated...


Another addition of Mean B_tch Monday!

This is a letter to the lovely people who go door to door and try to get you to "find Jesus."

Please read- This is my opinion on this matter and is strictly an exaggerated post for the purpose of "Mean B_tch Monday," and nothing more. I hope you are not offended by its content, but if you are, it's likely that you should not be reading my blog in the first place. Because, it's my blog, and I will blog if I want to!

Dear Bible Beaters,

I love and and am well aware of the Bible and its teachings and follow them in my daily life and with my family. With that said, I do not need for you to come to my house unannounced and stalk me by knocking on the door over and over again, while I hide and act like I'm not home until you leave. I appreciate and admire your dedication to the Bible and it's teachings, but I do not need you to give me little 1980's dated packets of information about "being saved or living in damnation," complete with graphic images of people in hell.

I think that it is incredibly dedicated of you to walk the sweltering hot streets of Houston and risk your life by knocking on random citizens doors. I can only imagine the types of things people say to you. While I think it to be a little reckless and super annoying, it still sends a strong message of dedication to your faith. The important word being "your" faith.

I am often times annoyed by people who regardless of their religion, are so incredibly quick to jam it down the throats of others. They often times get rude or unchristian like in their methods in the process. Sounds counterproductive huh? My point exactly.

Lastly, I want to say that I encourage you to continue on your quest to "save" and educate people about your religion, just as long as you walk right on by my door.

Thanks for reading,

I need a drink...

Because I am not able to sleep and am a big dork, I thought I would share some of my favorite quotes with you. Stop laughing!

"You shouldn't have to sacrifice who you are, just because someone else has a problem with it."
--Sarah Jessica Parker as Carrie Bradshaw (Sex and the City)

"Well behaved women, seldom make history"
--Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." --Maryanne Williamson

"I told my psychiatrist that everyone hates me. He said I was being ridiculous--everyone hasn't met me yet" --Rodney Dangerfield

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody." Bill Cosby

"Let him that is without sin among you first cast the stone at her." Bible - John 8:7

"If I'd observed all the rules, I'd never have gotten anywhere" -Marilyn Monroe

[to Flap] "Raising three children, working full-time *and* chasing women requires a lot more energy than you have. You know, one of the nicest qualities about you has always been that you recognized your weaknesses. *Don't* lose that quality now just when you need it the most!" --Aurora Greenway (Terms of Endearment 1983)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Why am I so different now?

After writing my post about the skanks at the beach and reading the comments, I started to wonder, what the heck has happened to me?

Why did I not yell at them "hey, WTF??!!"

I usually have no problem telling people how I feel, and if the skanks were overdoing it, I should have said something. Right?

Do any of you find yourselves backing down from confrontation when you are with your kids? I feel like it comes naturally, to "walk away" from situations that could escalate out of hand. Okay just agree with me for the purpose of this post.

One day at HEB this lady was not willing to move her cart out of the aisle so that I could get by with my kids, so after saying excuse me a couple of times only to have her look at me funny, I finally just pushed my way through. I stopped and looked at her and said "see, if you had moved, I wouldn't have had to push you out of the way." The lady's face was blank from shock. I went on my way, and while checking out she says to her husband, "theres that b_tch right there" under her breath. I laughed really loud and shook my head indicating she was the one with the freaking problem. Like OMG dude?!

My former "childless self" would have left the cart right there while the cashier was still ringing up my stuff, followed the lady, tapped her on the shoulder, and said "excuse me, did you just call me a bitch?"

Urgh! It's sort of frustrating, but I distinctly remember many years ago (pre mommy status) getting into an argument with a lady at the gas station (I am soooooo classy!) and her having her kids in the car with her while she tried to "kick my ass." I remember telling her "dude seriously, your freaking kids are with you!" I remember going home that night and thinking how trashy and horrible I thought it was for a mother to "get rowdy," with her kids staring from the car window. I think that shaped my extreme caution when I myself encounter these situations while with my children.

We are role models to our children, and if our kids see us engaging in such acts of drama and violence, they themselves will be more likely to do the same. I for one do not want a child who does not respect others. Especially in front of my little girl. She looks up to me and I want to make her proud, not embarrass her.

With all that said, one must not be fooled by my gentle exterior and nurturing house wife ways, but rather warned of what I am capable of, should the right situation present itself. Muah haa haa haaaaaa!!!!! Just kidding...kind of.

Inappropriate skanks at the beach!

Okay, maybe I am just a grumpy girlie, but today my husband and I, took Monkey to my cousins beach house out in Galveston. Well, while P-Bear took off fishing, I took Monkey to the beach. While out there, I must say...some people are just fiercely ballsey when it comes to their choices in bathing suits! I weigh 135 and I dont dare wear a bikini!!! I am the sort of person who does not like to be "hanging out!" That is just me! If you are fierce and confident enough....go for it!

Anyway, while out at the beach I see tons of different kinds of people, and I start people watching from the safety of my super Jackie O. sunglasses. I cannot help but notice this couple fondling each other on the beach! He grabs her bathing suit bottom on the back and pulls the fabric inward to where she looks like she is wearing a thong bathing suit, then he proceeds to slap and caress her bare bottom! It is the middle of the day and there are tons of kids in the surf very close to them, including my 8 year old daughter! Awkward! They also ended up doing a variety of other things such as him grabing her boobs and some serious kissing, before I decided it was time to go!

Why are people so freaking disrespectful. They WERE NOT TEENAGERS! They were at least 30, and i'm sorry, but even if you dont have kids, at 30 you should freaking know better. No one wants to see that s_it!

Urgh! I just had to vent. I know I sound like a debbie downer, but I was soooooo annoyed at their total lack of repect for all the kids around them while they indulged themselves in their public display of skankness!

Okay, I think I am done! haha!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

I am still a foreign film star....

But I dont care! I cannot seem to get the video and sound right! Monkey said to go ahead and post it anyway, and since she helped me with it, I said "you are right!" I had deleted it, but decided to repost.

Hopefully, I can figure out what is going on before I vlog again!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Because you are fake...I loathe you.

Because you are fake, I will pretend to like you...for a short while.

Because you are fake, I will pretend that I believe what you say.

Because you are fake, I will act like I think your boobs are real.

Because you are fake, I will nod and look interested when you brag about your "perfect husband."

Because you are fake, I will act surprised when I find out you have been spreading vicious gossip about me, true or not.

Because you are fake, I will pray for you.

Because you are fake, I will tell myself that I am not bitter for the way that you treated me.

Does all of this make me fake too?

Vlog test...test...test!

Do my lips match??!!

Monkey is moving on! Corndog moment!

Corndog Moment Alert!

In light of Monkeys last day at school today and her promotion to 3rd grade despite all the challenges that she has faced this past year, I thought I would take a pictoral second to look back at the first days since Pre-K. Cue Butterfly Kisses!

Pre-K Monkey

Kindergarten Monkey

1st Grade Monkey

2nd Grade Monkey

3rd comes Monkey!

I was tagged last night!

Tagged by the awesome Tree from Mother of Pearl it is!

When I realized what the topic of the tag was, I could not wait to get started! haha!!

Things that make me grumpy!
1.) When B-Pear insists on watching TV and being on the computer! (I should get at least one right?)
2.) When I get the little pointless garnish of greenery or wilted salad on my plate with my meal! What a freaking waste of vegetation!
3.) Road ragers! Ummm can we say "get a life?"
4.) People staring at my kid while they are acting up, screaming, or crying in public! "have you never seen a kid cry before?"
5.) Thousands of barrels of oil emptying into the ocean and there being nothing I can do to stop it.

Tagging the following bloggers!
Just Keep Smiling
Lady Lux Diaries
The Bipolar Diva

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Because my life freaking ROCKS that's why!

I have so many things to be grateful for...yes, I know you have your finger down your throat making a vomit sound...but it's true!

I get to work from home with my own business, I even have a personal assistant! Okay just lying about the last part, but I do get to check my email from my couch! Impressed? ha! I get to be at all school functions for my 8 year old...okay so not the most exciting, but cool none the less, and my son actually "knows me" considering all the time we get to spend together. JOY!

I love the moments when I wake up in the morning and get to casually and non stress fully get Monkey ready for school and get Bean some breakfast while he watches his favorite annoying toons! I actually get to be the mom that I envied soooooo much when I started this blog! The one who walks their kids into the building in flip flops and a comfy summer dress or jeans, while pushing a toddler and carrying on with other moms who are in no hurry to get home or to work.

I know it sounds all peachy, and for the most part, it is. Yawn....but believe me, being at home does not come without its consequences. Tun tun tuuuuuuun!!

I gets no love from people who "work!" They say crap things like "must be nice, not having to go to work" and "oh that's right, you don't work." har har har. I don't even want to get started on the crap my "better half" gives me! Urgh, somebody stop me!

Anyway, since my blog is usually ridiculous ramblings, and random self absorbed and obsessed thoughts, I figured I would share some meaningful s_it today! Do you feel enlightened or inspired? I knew you would! You love caring about my random crap, and I love caring about your random crap...sometimes.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Winner of the Boogie Wipes Giveaway!

I have been MIA all day due to my internet acting coo coo!

The winner of the Boogie Wipes Giveaway is......drum roll....

B*Roe -
♥ Cupcakes & Coupons ♥

Congratulations!! I will be e-mailing you at the email you provided with the details to claim your prize!!

Thanks to everyone who actually took the time to participate and show support!

* The winner was chosen using, I love this site but I don't know how to put the little counter with the results on my page so I could show you. Maybe next time!

At least I get respect when I have a "real" job

I might be going back to work, at least part time.

I know that I forget things that are mildly important, but I also do a lot of really awesome things as well.

I get my kids up and enter the struggle of getting Monkey ready for school.

I walk her into school and on days like today, walk all the way to the school only to realize that Monkey forgot to take her medicine.

Carrying a toddler and sweating, I check Monkey in and walk all the way back to my car to get her medicine with Bean in tow.

I make it back to the car and back to my house in about 3 minutes.

My son demands that I sit next to him while he eats his breakfast. I try to catch up with emails and other work related stuff while sitting next to him.

I get an email from hubby outlining what I "need" to do for the day (urgh, roll eyes here) and respond with my head hanging low that "I got it under control."

I have a few bites of my Odwalla bar and start trying to "psych" myself out into thinking that it is going to be an awesome productive day.

I still have to pick up around the house, sweep, mop the floor, meet Monkey for lunch, feed Bean, wash and dry at least 2 loads of clothes, organize the bills, call the mortgage company, call the gas company, plan dinner, buy sandpaper, sand down rings, mail rings, polish and shine new resin pieces, call Belinda, pick up Monkey (one hour early just to get a decent spot in the car pick up line), start dinner, call mom, deal with the grouchy hubby, serve dinner, clean the kitchen, play with the kids, take a bath, get Monkey in the shower, get Bean in his bath (kicking and screaming), read to the kids (Goodnight Moon AGAIN), lights out to get kids to sleep, lights back on once kids are asleep, blog and read, then toss and turn with insomnia from worry for the next day.

You are sooooooo right Hubby! All I do is hang out around the house and do nothing. I cannot believe that I never saw it before. ----STRONG sarcasm.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Mean B_tch Monday - MBM

You already know the drill...MBM is my one moment where I give myself a free pass to be "not so nice" for the week, then I get to go back to the totally sweet and lovable Dee we all know and love! Stop laughing!!!

As usual feel free to have your own Mean B_tch Monday Moment with me too!
Since I could not decide on one thing to be mean about, I chose to share a few mean real life quotes that I am totally guilty of saying with you...

"What is up with people who work at fast food joints and actually have the audacity to get snippy with you? Look, its not my fault that you work where you do, if you don't like your job, do something about it!"

"How difficult it is to get my freaking order right? Is it that hard to put some freaking burgers and fries into a bag?"

"What makes you think that I need your permission?"

"Okay old granny, you should be at home and not behind the wheel of a car!"

"Keep talking about are making me famous!"

"Her little baby sort of looks like a little tan troll."

"Stop being so freaking sensitive!"

"Someone better be seriously hurt, with all of the traffic this accident is causing!" <---my most shameful!!!

No, I am not proud of these moments...but...they are part of my Mean B_tch Monday Moment, and its my blog and I will blog if I want to. You know where to go if you don't like it. :)

Yet another self absorbed and obsessed moment...

If you see this small little should run and call your local law enforcements...he is considered armed and extremely dangerous.

I just thought I would share some of my rather inapporiate randomness with you...

Please try to keep up will ya?

My hubby is the hispanic version of Oscar the Grouch....but a lot less green and furry. I actually think that he is like Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. He is Dr. Psycho and Mr. Ass...luv you pbear, but it is what it is.

Monkey pretends to be "all better" when in reality...she is not.


I am being abused. I was hit this morning with an object that made me see the "white light" and stars! Day before yesterday, I was hit in the mouth and bruised by an object thrown at me at close range. What were these mystery objects? A toy car, and a chipmunks cheap ass McDonalds toy! Who is the alleged abuser? Bean! Yes, thats the truth, my son beats me up! I am afraid of him and wish there was a 1-800 number for moms who are living in fear of there 1 year old sons! Help!


Too many beignets will make you feel like you have a living ball of dough in your belly.


Going on all school field trips sounds like a good idea, I said "sounds."


I secretly want to be a Real Housewife of Houston. Even though I have relentlessly made fun of all the previous seasons!


Bean thinks he can swim. He will have nothing to do with the toddler floats and insists that it be me to hold him in the water, which equals no way for me to hold my beer!


The ghetto people on FB really should think before they update...seriously...I am embarassed for them. And no they are not my friends...well maybe.


Did I mention that my hubby is a grouch??

Pic from Google Products

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Better late then never thank you's

Here are some kick @$$ blog awards I recently received from some awesome fellow blogists ladies! Thanks!

Since I am ADD and about to fall asleep, I could not award to as many blogs as I would have liked to...but I am currently working on an award of my own to go to my top favorite blogs to read! Stay tuned...

Awarded to me by Jennifer from Life with the Lebedas

Passing on to 5 other blogistas!

Elle- Live, Laugh, Love, Life

Remember Ember

The Lunatic Café – Nicki

Diary of an Army Wife

Real Mommy 365

Awarded to me by by the always awesome Elle - Live, Laugh, Love, Life !!

So, with accepting this award I must follow the rules and they are as follows:

The Versatile Blogger Award Regulations:
1.Thank the person(s) who passed the award to you
2.Revel 7 facts about yourself
3.Pass to blogger friends!

7 Facts

1.) My hubby and I were born on the exact same day, only hours apart!

2.) I hate cilantro

3.) I dont like the smell of vanilla

4.) My mom sometimes calls me "Oompa Loompa"

5.) My right thumb is significantly longer then my left

6.) I have a birthmark shaped like a island on my right arm

7.) I have one tatoo of the Texas Lone Star between my shoulder blades.

And I'm passing this award on to...

Peryl at Parenting ad Absurdum

Danielle at Humes Party of 3

Tree at Mother of Pearl it is

Awarded to me by the fabulous Crisc23 - Keep Smiling

This is the Happy 101 Award and the rules are as follows :

1. copy and paste the award on your blog.

2. list who gave the award to you and list a link to her blog (or hyperlink).

3. list 10 things that make you happy.

4. pass the award on to other bloggers and visit their blog to let them know about the award.

10 things that make me happy...

1.) ice cream!

2.) seeing my kids sleep

3.) My hubby telling me he is proud of me

4.) Listening to George Strait

5.) Reading

6.) Partying

7.) Sleeping

8.) Kicking people who are mean to me

9.) Punching people who are mean to me

10.) doing numbers 8 and 9 when people are mean to my family and friends!

hehe! Went to lala land towards the end there...

Life with the Lebedas
Southern Loves

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Because im a post wh_re!

My "Because im a post wh_re" posts are reserved for times when I feel random, and I feel random today. I figured I would integrate that randomness with a good old Pouring your Heart out session! Thanks Shell! For the orginal origins of Pouring your heart heart visit HERE.

I wake up this morning and feel overwhelmed, as usual. I want to go back to bed and pull the covers over my head, but I can't. I can't because I would be doing an injustice to my daughter by letting her miss school, especially during a time where she has already missed so many days on account of her Panic Attack Disorder. My son is sound asleep and I hate that I have to wake him, but I have to.

The feeling of "having" to do anything out of "responsibilty" is not something that I have adapted well to. If you ask those closest to me, they will tell you that I am a little stubborn and would rather learn from my own experiences, not matter how bad. So, doing anything because I have no choice sucks, and sometimes pisses me off. I know that my kids must get taken care of, and that does not make me angry, but the fact that I cannot just decide and dictate when they get up and decide if I feel like they should go to school annoys me.

I know that sounds weird, but sometimes I AM weird.

Staring at the blinking cursor makes me anxious, wait everything makes me anxious. I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder and suffer from extreme anxiety every day, that is sometimes social agony. Am I medicated for that anxiety? Yes, but the anxiety and worry never go away.

Sharing that tiny last bit, is really pouring my heart out, because you might read and judge, or you might read and think "wow me too." I was willing to take that chance because it is my life and this is my blog and I will blog if I want to.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I will eat my OWN words for a Boogie Wipes Giveaway!

A few days ago, I created a post that said I was tired of seeing only giveaways when I go to check out other blogs. I mentioned that it is great to do giveaways once in a while or to mark special campaigns, but to ONLY blog review and just not usually MY thing.

However...I have decided that one day a week for giveaways would be fun. I picked Wednesday!

My son has seasonal allergies and not too long ago they were really bothering him and causing his nose to literally drip...drip...drip...I had already rubbed his poor little nose raw with lotion tissue, toilet paper, paper towels, his t-shirt, and my t-shirt! He would cry when he knew that I was about to wipe his little nose and would immediately start turning away from me, I would have to surprise him with a sneak attack, and sometimes I would just let it run.

A while later while at the store looking in the baby and tot aisle, I see this bright green and orange packaging among all of the pale colored stacks of wipes. I picked it up out of curiosity and realized what it was that I was holding. Was this seriously the answer to my sons booger and snot issue? I read on the package that they were saline based wipes and I immediately thought about the bottle of saline solution I was already using to clear my sons stuffy nose. It just made sense!

I took them home and used them immediately, and I am not kidding, we used all of those, and I started buying them regularly! A few months later, I see this show in TV and I could not remember the name even if I tried, but it was featuring Boogie Wipes and the creators! Imagine my excitement finding out that I had actually supported a mom owned and operated company without even knowing it! It started to make sense why Boogie Wipes were such an amazing product. It is made for us by us, and by us, I mean moms.

Boogie Wipes are a gentle saline wipe that helps dissolve the boogies. Have you ever tried to keep a small child still long enough to drop saline drops in their nose? The wipes are made with the saline built in to help break up the boogies safely and softly. They are also alcohol free!

Now time for the giveaway!

Boogie Wipes is offering one of my readers 2 packs of 30 count Boogie Wipes!! (fresh, grape, or menthol - combination varies)

How to participate? --you must leave one comment per entry

1.) You must be a follower of Free2bMommy (2 entries)

Additional entries

1.) Follow us on Twitter! (2 entries)

2.) Follow Boogie Wipes on Twitter! (2 entries)

3.)Tweet about the giveaway (one entry/tweet per day)

4.) Blog about this giveaway (4 entries)

Make sure to visit and the Boogie Wipes Facebook page !!

I hope that you will participate in helping make this SPECIAL OCCASION giveaway a great one!

Winner will be picked with and will be announced Monday 5/24/10 @ 10am!

Telling it like it is - Tuesday edition

Like I need a reason to tell it "like it is," but I thought that I needed a little comic relief!

I was talking to my daughter, and she mentioned to me out of the blue, that her therapist has an "evil eye" <---I am sure she has no freaking idea what that means, but then she proceeded to mock her and say "sooooo tell me how you feel about that??" In this hilarious voice! I could not help but laugh...dont you hate when that happens??I told her that it is not always wise to say things that you might be thinking out loud. She replied by saying, "but you lie when you say someone looks skinny in a dress and they look fat," WTF? I have NO idea where she got that from, but then I had to go into this looooong explanation of how sometimes you keep from saying what you really think in order to spare feelings.

Ok, I know you are starting to read bla bla bla, so im gonna get to it. This edition of Telling it "like it is" Tuesday by sharing some of the things your kids say and how we reply vs. what we really would like to say. PLEASE feel free to add!

Comment - "Mom, do I have to go to school today?"

Reponse- "Of course you do and it will be fun! Just think about all the awesome things you will get to do and before you know it, it's the weekend!"

What you would like to say - "Urgh! I know what you mean, the teachers at your school are annoying the shit out of me! I can see why you would not want to go to school and do the same crap everyday. I personally would love for you to stay home so I don't have to take you and I can sleep in!"

Comment - "Mommy, Sarah didn't invite me to her party."

Response - "Well, that's okay. I am sure she meant to, but even if she didn't you should be the better person and just ignore it. Don't let it get to you."

What you want to say- "That little bitch! Who the f_ck does she think she is? Urgh! You don't want to go to her cheap ass party anyway, right?"

Comment - "Ben slapped me in the face for no reason today, and I told the teacher, and she didn't listen!"

Response - "Calm down now and lets talk about what may have happened. What part did you play? Maybe I will contact your teacher and see what exactly happened and hopefully we can get Ben to apologize.

What you want to say - "Why didn't you slap his little ass back? Have I taught you nothing? Oh the teacher didnt pay attention to you? Well, tomorrow I am going to have a nice chat with that lady and she is going to listen!

Comment - "Why do you get to stay up late and I don't?"

Reponse- "Well little kids require more sleep than adults in order to grow healthy and strong."

What you want to say- "Because this is my house and I pay the bills, so I run things. When you are older with your own kids, feel free to stay up all freaking night! Until then, get your ass to bed!"

Yes, I am finally going to give my dos cents

I was trying to stay away from the whole issue surrounding Arizona and their possible new laws in regard to illegal immigrants, but I just could not help myself. I found this article and wanted to respond to certain "highlights" from it. Remember that this is my opinion on my blog, please tread lightly when leaving comments...and respect my blog and it's content.

If you have been under a me...or Patrick (bikini bottom) then here is what it boils down to...
The measure allows police to detain people on the suspicion that they are illegal immigrants, outlaws citizens from employing day laborers, and makes it illegal for anyone to transport an illegal immigrant, even a family member, anywhere in the state.
First I want to say that I agree that people should not break the law, and come here illegally from anywhere. I am a law abiding citizen, and do not think that anyone is above the law. With that said, it's important to note that although I do feel an intense support for the law, that support is under the condition that the law is reasonable and just. WTF constitutes a "suspicion?" Seriously? Have you lost your freaking minds? Have we not seen enough of law enforcement and their idea of "suspicion" and "just cause?" Urgh! Just another wordy document giving certain individuals the right to do what they please. Are we to seriously think that it is constitutional to harass people who "look" Mexican and therefore "could" be illegal based on the perception of the police officer that just so happens to be on duty that day? Does the term racial profiling mean anything to you? It might not, if you yourself have never had to actually see or experience it for yourself. Has anyone given any thought to all of the innocent legal Mexicans and Mexican-Americans that are living in Arizona, and the harassment they will have to endure in the process? Does anyone care? This is not just a political issue, this is a human issue, and these are peoples lives we are talking about.

I know that many reading will roll their eyes and think "here we go again with the racial issue," but in this situation I would ask you to look at this issue and ask yourself how it could NOT be considered a racial issue. The Sheriff who is nicknamed "America's toughest sheriff" (in my best country back woods voice) Joe Arpaio is already under the microscope for his "rounding up" of illegal immigrants and the possibility of racial profiling.What a winner.

Senator Russell Pearce (a supporter of the bill) is quoted saying "you can't break into my country, just like you can't break into my house," really?? Did he really just compare the nations illegal immigrant problem to a home break in? It really does not take a very smart person to realize what this bill means. It allows the law to remain broad and vague so as to open the door for racial profiling. Why are people allowing this to happen?

I will leave you with one last smart and enlightening statement from Senator Pearce that pretty much proves my point, "Simply stated, we need to give law enforcement officers the tools to do their jobs."


Monday, May 17, 2010

Im going to be very "mommy bloggie" and participate in TTA!!

I dont usually do the what I call "following chainletters" but this one is cute and not that complicated. So come on and join me in my "mommy bloggie" moment!

Tuesday Tag-Along

Here's how it works:

Create a new Tuesday Tag-Along blog post. Include the Tuesday Tag-Along button by copying and pasting the code above. (You are also welcome to copy and paste these instructions in their entirety, or any portion of this Tuesday Tag-Along blog post!)

Add your blog name and the URL of your TTA post to the MckLinky below.

Follow Twee Poppets, the hostess blog listed in the first slot. Twee Poppets will follow you back! (Note: If you want Twee Poppets to follow you back, you MUST leave her a comment saying that you are a new follower and leave a link to your blog!)

If you can, please follow the blogs in the three slots before you (e.g., if you're number 20, follow numbers 19, 18, and 17). This is not mandatory, but it will help ensure that everyone who signs up gets a few new followers!

Follow as many other blogs as you want. The more you follow, the more that will follow you back! Be sure to tell them that you're following from Tuesday Tag-Along! You may also want to leave a link to your blog so they can return your follow more easily.

When you get a new follower through Tuesday Tag-Along, be sure to follow them back! It's just common courtesy. :)

The weekly Tuesday Tag-Along MckLinky opens every Monday night at 8:59pm Pacific Standard Time (that's 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time), and the TTA blog post will be posted well in advance of that time. The MckLinky will be open to add your blog until 11:59pm Tuesday night. You then have all week long to visit blogs and return follows!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Check out my BRAND NEW blog design!!

Well yall, its official!! My blog redesign is complete thanks to The Frilly Coconut! Hurry up and get on her waiting list!! Jessica worked with me down to the minor details that I wanted in order to make this blog "Free2bMommy!" I wanted a blog design that reflected me and all the other "Free2bMommy" blogistas! Mission accomplished!

I have a button!!! I will post later what it means to be "Free2bMommy" and you can decide if you want to grab my button.


Just wanted to let everyone know that it is done!! whooooo hooooooo!!! Thanks Jessica!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Its alright to be fashionably late...right?

I am honored to be a part of all the fun with giving away a set of handmade custom sprinkle hair pins and an adjustable ring with real candy sprinkles and glitter. I am thrilled!

It's not to late to join in on the fun...or for a chance for some really cool free stuff!

Birthday Bash


The disfuctional Momma sista drama

In order to understand the dynamics within the relationships that I hold with both my mother and only sister, its important to understand the history of those relationships. We have a very unusual communication style that translates to others often times as yelling, rude, or just good ol' bi-polar.

We have a constant issue with the whole "you love her more," and "why does ____ get to do it?" I know, its childish and stupid, but my sister and I are always fighting. So, what do two twenty something year old sisters fight about? Everything! I say that our relationship is bi-polar because anyone who knows us knows, that one minute we will be fighting, and literally the next we are laughing and talking. P-S-Y-C-H-O! I know!

Maybe you and your family are like this too or at least that's what I tell myself.

I will be jumping around here so bare with me...

The part that my mom plays in this whole thing is more of a crutch and fuel feeder then helper although she does not mean to be.

Since I was not able to write my mothers day post that I had planned, I'm going to do it now...

My mother is an amazingly misunderstood person. I have never met anyone who loves so much and gives so much, but whose actions are overshadowed by the sheer problem of people to understand her. To many people she comes across as abrupt, confrontational, opinionated, and rude. Those of us that know her, know that these things are just misinterpretations of her communication style. She is brutally honest, but not to the point so as to disrespect or insult. The fact that MANY people are not able to appreciate the truth does not help her case either. I guess anything can be perceived as rude if you are not willing to hear the truth. I think that the people that tell you the truth are those that you should keep closer and not push further away, because they are not willing to say what you want to hear. Be honest with yourself next time, and ask yourself "do I really want to hear the truth?"

One of my favorite movies is my favorite because the lead character played by Shirley Maclaine reminds me of my mother so much.

My mother will give you everything that you need. Now that does not mean that she will let you forget that she did that favor, but that's just mom. My mom loves us so much that it is hard for her to know her boundaries in regard to trying to protect us at all times. I now see how this could be difficult for mothers to do now that I have my own children. My mom and I love the movie Terms of Endearment and this is one of the scenes where I truly come to appreciate the love of a mother for her child and the emotional frustration that accompanies not being able to help and make things all better.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Trucker hat + pearl snaps + Wranglers + boots = Bean

I will be the first to admit, I sort of have a fake smile in this pic. I promise I was happy, not so happy to take a pic, but happy to be there. :) I have this ridiculous case of social anxiety when it comes to attending kids birthday parties. I only attend when absolutely necessary. I think it is the "psuedo" conversation that I loathe. You see, I love communicating, but when I am put in a situation where I feel that communicating is expected, I freeze. If I think too much about creating conversations with other parents, it becomes this serious case of social anxiety that would bring a bull to his knees. <--do bulls have knees? What makes it worse is having a toddler that will not keep still and insists upon making you chase him, and an anxiety/panic ridden 8 year old clinging to your every step. Am I the only one who tends to forget to wear "toddler chasing" appropriate clothing? Fun times! Anyway, even though the picture above depicts a time when I attending a super good friends son's party, the smile, pretty much sums up how many of these occasions make me feel. Its sort of written all over my face.

Because I am a Blogista!

So when I started blogging last year, I adopted a standard layout from "cutest blog on the blog" and as thank ful as I truly am for that template, its time to move on. YES its true! I am getting a blog makeover! Jealous?! haha!!

After being on a well worth the wait design list for a while, it is now my turn!! YAY!! Who is doing this extreme blog makeover since if you know anything about me, you know it could not possibly be me?! The Frilly Coconut!! I do not remember how I stumbled upon her site, but once I was on her page, I was hooked! You really do need to see her portfolio!!

The Frilly Coconut

Anyway, Free2bMommy will be complete soon with a new layout, header, and button with HTML!! Thanks Jessica for working on the design, and I look forward to the unveil soon!


At it again with Blogger!!!

Can anyone tell me how I might get an issue that I am having with posting comments to my own blog resolved? I get an error that says that I can report the issue to blogger with the specified code but am not sure how to do the reporting part.



Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Stop reading if you think this blog is about you...

Do you ever feel like no matter what you say, someone always takes it the wrong freaking way? Maybe they even give it meaning that you never intended or implied, but it still kinda sucks to be misunderstood.

I was recently informed that I was "frustrating" some individuals who were assuming that I was talking about them in some of my posts. I really would know nothing about it, had it not come back to me from secondary sources, I hate that.

Anyway, I wanted to say that I am frankly offended that anyone would assume to know who I am "talking about." EVERYTHING that I blog about is just based on my thoughts and experiences in GENERAL and not linked back to any one individual. Sorry if you are paranoid but I seriously just wouldn't do that, so please stop talking about me and calling me names. It's just not nice.

I am on the Internet and understand that anything on a blog can be viewed by the masses, but please stop reading if you think this blog is about're so vain. Cue Carly Simon.

Now lets see who thinks this post is about them...


I will pretend to me wordless for Weds...a lil early!

I would be lying if I said that I liked the whole Wordless Wednesday concept...

but I just could not help myself!

Do you know someone who...

It is really freaking weird how lost you feel when you have not blogged in a few days and try to get back into it! Anyway, since i am trying desperately to get my creative and brutally honest juices flowing, I thought I would do a Tuesday version of "Do you know someone who____?"

Please feel free to read along and scream a "hell yeah" when you feel the need and excuse the crappy grammer and spelling!

Do you know someone who has ALWAYS already experienced, read, seen, bought, etc., everything that you happen to get and share with them? Annoying! Like that could be humanly possibly in the first place! Unless however, they are Chuck Norris or the Dos Equis "Most interesting man alive."

Do you know someone who takes there job waaaaay too seriously? Dude!

Do you know someone who loves to complain about anything? Seriously, how bad does your life suck?

Do you know someone who drives you freaking NUTS with the whole "All Natural"/Anti Fast Food thing? I get it and I totally see the benefits, but sometimes it can get NEVER letting your kid eat a freaking chicken nugget because you saw the movie "Super Size Me?"

Do you know someone who believes that just because they were able to get it to zip up, it fits or they SHOULD wear it? I will leave that one alone...

Do you know someone who always feels the need to stare at other peoples kids who are "acting up" in a public place? Like your kids don't act like complete little s_its sometimes too??!! Puuuuulease! Keep walking!

Do you know people are are seriously always happy to see you? I want what they are on.

Do you know someone who manages to take care of their kids, work, clean their house, and remain in a good mood? Do you sometimes feel tempted to choke that person and demand their secret?

Do you know someone who celebrated Cinco de Mayo but also believes that all people who "look" llegal should be harassed and profiled for possible deportation back to Mexico? ARIBA!!!

Do you know someone who opens packages of underwear and socks at Target to get a better look at the size? Is that someone you?

Do you know someone who thinks that running inside of McDonald's will actually get them served faster then waiting in the drive through window?

Do you know someone who blogs about random stuff that sometimes has no real relevance? Wait...I am pretty sure that last one is me.


And im back in the game!

My Summer/Spring event was this past weekend and I am still catching my breath! We are talking about an entire freaking event set up and taken back down in 4 days! Whoooo!!! Interested in knowing what I do exactly? hmmmm....check out my site at

I promised myself that I would jot down great ideas for blogging during the sale as I was inspired...but that did not happen! Urgh! Although this blog is my personal blog and not necessarily for business purpose, there are some things that I wanted to share.

The location was amazing and all of our consignors and participants were the greatest to work with and in some cases meet for the first time!

Thanks all!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Yes I would love some cheese to go with my wine!

I found this awesome post that the blogger above created and thought I would be a total bandwangoner and jump on board considering how I feel right now.

Here are her rules...

Pour Your Heart Out

Write a post from the heart.

Something that has been weighing on you.

Something you feel passionately about.

Something you've been wanting to talk about.

A cause, a memory, a belief, a world view.

Here goes...
How dare you sit there and believe that your life is more important then your child's. You are suppose to protect your child and they look to you for protection. How could you hurt them repeatedly and crush their tiny souls? If you do not want your child, there is no need to kill them or beat them. There are so many people who would give anything to have a child, and you treat yours as though they are a piece of trash, an annoyance that you wish was not there. You do not deserve to breath, but that is not my call to make. How could you be so awful and hateful so as to inflict pain on a poor defenseless child? How dare you! Someone needs to hurt you the way that you have hurt that child. Why don't you pick on someone your own size you coward. You will have your judgement day, and I can rest assured that you will be punished.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Because Remember Ember rocks!

Don't you just love having readers who you really feel "get you?" I love reading the comments from these readers and I love being able to truly be myself and know that there are actually people who appreciate hearing it the way it is...or at least the way that I think it is.

I received a blog award from one of my favorite bloggers and readers who you might know as Ember from Remember Ember! I love reading her blog and I adore the pics that she shares! Her two cute for words boys are just an added bonus! Check her out!

So here are the rules of the Happy 101 Award:

1. Copy and paste the award on your blog.

2. List who gave the award to you and use a link to her blog (or hyperlink).

3. List 10 things that make you happy. (I'm going to make my list 5 this time)

4. Pass the award on to other bloggers and visit their blog to let them know about the award.

5 Things That Make Me Happy
1. Hearing my kids laugh together
2. Reading a good book alone in my room....GO AWAY!!
3. Spending money then not regretting it! (not very freaking often!)
4. The moment my hubby and I realize how stupid whatever it was we were arguing about is.
5. Feeling energized from my red bull!

Here are some blogs that I love to read, you should stop by and show them some love...these are always sooooo hard to pick, but I try to mix it up regularly!

Can you believe I am actually expected to work?

I wanted to give everyone the big heads up, as to where I will be for the next few many of you know, I own the Just Between Friends of West Houston franchise, and my event is this weekend! So, what does this mean to you? Well nothing really, but I wanted to make sure you knew that I might be MIA and not able to post every day or respond quickly to comments like I usually indulge in! Of course, since I am totally addicted to being an over sharing chica, I may sneak online during one of my "slow" moments and give you some word vomit.

Lub ya!
