I am extremely serious when dealing with blog disclaimers and words of caution when on my blog. Please respect it.
This is my blog, and I understand that blogging sometimes causes risks when sharing information and pictures. Please do not take any of my family pictures without consent. I will be glad to let you use them in the event that you post about one of my posts, but you must first ask. You can email me at peachblush1@outlook.com
If you are "Lurking" on my blog with intent to harm or create drama for me, please do not bother.
I am asking that you respect my blog and it's content.
The stuff on my content: This blog contains language that may not be suitable for some readers. Reading and big girl panties are advised.
I do not mean to be inappropriate, but my blog is honestly what goes on in my head and my thoughts typed out for your viewing pleasure...or not. Either way, I do not censor myself and rarely apologize for my content.
I am not a rude person, and am respectable at all times, but this is a blog and I hope that the "entertainment value" is considered before you judge me as a person.
Thank you!